Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ebooks and Audiobooks Now Available at the Switzerland County Public Library for Download

At the Switzerland County Public Library, we are excited about offering the service of downloadable ebooks and audiobooks! Through the Evergreen Indiana Consortium, we are working with OverDrive to provide you with more sources for your reading and listening pleasure. At the library, you can pick up one of our printed guides to help get you started. Or if you prefer, there is a Help section online.

Over the weekend, on the Kindle, I checked out Machine Dreams by Jayne Anne Phillips for myself and At the Edge of the World (Crispin) by Avi for the kids. Margie and I worked together to download an ebook onto her laptop. The printed guide provides easy-to-follow directions. You can be reading or listening in no time. You can check out up to three items for 7 to 14 days. At the end of the checkout period, the item will disappear from your device. Items cannot be renewed, but they can be checked out numerous times. Also, just like in the Evergreen catalog, you can place items on hold.

I would love to hear about your experience with our new service and what ebooks you would like to see available. Just post a comment.

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