Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Books

So...did you think I fell off the face of the earth??? The holidays did catch up with me, but now it is time to dust off my cape and sail into 2012. During my short hiatus, we received several new books, many by some of your favorite authors, at the library. Here are some short descriptions to pique your interest.

Sci Fi/Fantasy Terry Pratchett fans are sure to enjoy Snuff. From the book jacket, we find out that Sam Vimes is not excited about his vacation, but he stumbles onto a murder in the allegedly relaxing countryside. He soon learns that he must be careful working a crime that is neither in his jurisdiction nor his element. Anita Clenney's newest book, Embrace the Highland Warrior promises more of the romantic adventure for which she earned a spot on USA Today's bestselling list. Christian Fiction author Karen Kingsbury released book three in the Bailey Flanigan Series called Longing. Characters Cody and Bailey still have feelings for each other after their long separation. They find themselves together again, but will it be enough to answer their longing for each other?

We also have some books by less well known authors. Cry Uncle, Sumbody is one such fictional book. Hoosier author Thomas Ray Crowel tells a story from the viewpoint of a common foot soldier in the Civil War. The first half of the book is the story. The second half is the foot soldier's diary. The book provides a unique perspective for a much written about subject.

For the nonfiction reader, Jack Kennedy, Elusive Hero answers the question, "What was he like?" Author Chris Matthews bases this biography on personal interviews, as well as other sources, with those closest to JFK. A new book about children, Bright, Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism, has the subtitle "Why Twice-Exceptional Children Are Stuck and How to Help Them" The authors say, "Too often, these children get lost in an endless cycle of chasing diagnostic labels and are never given the tools to fully realize their own potential."

Lots of variety for your reading adventures is available at the library. Keep an eye on the new bookshelf and this blog. New books are delivered weekly.

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