Monday, October 31, 2011

The Invention of Hugo Cabret

I must admit that when I first picked up The Invention of Hugo Cabret, I was a little concerned about a children's chapter book that weighed in at 533 pages. But I was intrigued by the 284 pages of artwork, and so I entered the world of Brian Selznick's picture book turned graphic novel. The story is about an orphaned French boy named Hugo Cabret who lives in the walls of a busy Paris train station. He is very good at fixing mechanical items, particularly toys and clocks. When his secret life collides with a grumpy toy booth owner and a book loving girl, Hugo's desire to solve the mystery of a mechanical man and a hidden message from his father are in jeopardy. This tender story is an intriguing mixture of mystery, art and history.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Scary Titles!

Take a look, if you dare, at the Halloween Book Display across from the circulation desk. Movies like The Sixth Sense and The X Files are available for checkout. Maybe you are more interested in classics like The Bride of Frankenstein or something funny like Young Frankenstein. If you would rather read, how about Dark Peril by Christine Feehan or Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris? Ready to decorate for Halloween or just get in a fallish mood, try Extreme Pumpkins or Halloween Fun or Haunt Your House. There are endless possibilities, just ask at the front desk or search the catalog for more titles. Using search keywords in Advance Search such as "vampires," "ghosts," or "Halloween" and choosing "nonfiction" or "fiction" will give you many choices. And remember, if the title is not available at Switzerland County Public Library, we might be able to get it from another Evergreen library. If you need help placing a hold, please let us know. We will be glad to help.